Not Always Easy to Spot

Abusive use of, and/or addiction to alcohol or other harmful substances is not always easy to spot.

If any of the following clues are present, it could be that you are dealing with someone who needs help.

The Top 10 Addiction Clues

  1. Minimizing – The common refrain is, “I can stop anytime I want.” Hiding the use of substances is also a major clue.
  2. Belligerence & Intimidation– Mean-spirited, intense sarcasm and/or regular belittling. This usually leads to people feeling as though they must “walk on eggshells” around the person.
  3. Lying & Promise-Breaking – Both are hallmarks of substance abuse or addiction. These include the oft-made (and broken) promise to “never do it again”, whatever “it” is.
  4. Recurring Financial Difficulties – You may witness repeated money crises. As well as lots of borrowing and a general sense that the person is “digging a hole”.
  5. Mood Swings – While this may have other origins, it often stems directly from the contrast of being under the influence. Examples are going from being happy to sadness or being calm to anger. Outgoing to withdrawn.
  6. Lack of Self-Responsibility – Someone abusing substances will tend to habitually blame others for the negative circumstances in which they find themselves.
  7. Sense of Entitlement – A common attitude is, “The rules don’t apply to me.” Justifying illegal or immoral actions because “I deserve it” is another form of entitlement.
  8. Oblivious to Negative Effects – No matter how far down they sink, people who abuse alcohol or drugs often do not seem to “get” how bad things are.
  9. Surrounded by Enablers – Someone abusing alcohol or drugs likes to be around people who will cover up, make excuses for, or “rescue” them.
  10. Thriving on Turmoil – While there may be lots of trauma and drama, professed goals are never reached and there is little to show for all the “excitement”.

A New Outlook Counseling Services

With counseling centers serving the greater Denver area, A New Outlook Counseling Services provides therapy for those with addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as marriage counseling and relational therapy for couples and individuals.

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications


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